Martha VanderMeulen

About Me

I started college wanting to be a biomedical engineer. After a D in chemistry (WITH a tutor) and an A in drawing, I changed my major to graphic design and I’ve been a designer ever since. I have no doubt I picked the right profession – I love solving problems!

While my career started with print, I’ve always had an interest in technology. One summer, when projects were at a lull, I started learning html and began coding emails. A few years later, there was a reorganization in my department and I was moved to the UX team. I didn’t even know what UX was at the time, but I learned what I could and knew I wanted to know more. Unfortunately, a few years later, the company was having many rounds of layoffs so I was let go after 20 years. That’s ok because the severance allowed me to learn more about UX and take my career to the next level.

I have the belief that people can understand complicated ideas if those ideas are presented in simple ways. I’m excited to help users have experiences they can easily understand.