Healthlog Case Study

Healthlog: A Medical Information Cloud Storage App


The client approached me with a request for a cloud storage product. They felt the market had room for another player, provided the right features combined to meet the needs of a specific audience. From my research, there was definitely a market for a medical information storage app. I provided research, design and testing for the project.



The client wanted a unique solution for a cloud storage project. My research showed me a healthcare information storage app would be a good solution. There are few apps in the marketplace that store and organize your complete medical information. The iPhone has a health app that is pretty detailed. I felt I could do a better job organizing the information to make an app that was simpler and easier to use.


Apple’s health app is has a lot of details but it doesn’t have clear organization and category names. It’s also only available for one user. I created a solution that would work for many users. It allows organizing and sharing of medical information, provides medication reminders and permits emergency responders to view medications and allergies.

  • Roles

  • UX Design
  • Visual Design
  • Brand Design
  • Timeframe

  • 8 weeks
  • Tools

  • Adobe CC
  • Google Forms + Docs
  • Sketch
  • InVision
  • UsabilityHub
  • Deliverables

  • Moodboard
  • User Survey
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Concept + Identity
  • Personas
  • User Stories + Flows
  • Paper Prototype
  • Wireframes
  • Visual Design
  • High Fidelity Prototype

User Research

User Survey

My research showed more iOS users than Android so the app was built for iOS. I also discovered many people have health related apps on their phones, mostly to track exercise. Folks are good about going to the doctor, many visit several. Many people take medication for one reason or another, which is unfortunate because half of the survey respondents were under 30! I found almost all surveyed would like all their medical information in one place. Some features respondents wanted are exercise, body measurements, medications, medication reminders, doctor contact information, appointments and lab tests.

93% of people surveyed would like all of their medical information to be in one place.

Percentage of Respondents Who Have a Health or Exercise Related App on Their Phone

Percentage of Respondents Who Have or Have a Family Member Who Has a Chronic Illness


Persona Lily McCormick

Lily McCormick: 20 year old college student studying marketing, runner, asthmatic


  • Continue running in college
  • Visit her doctor
  • Get her asthma under better control
  • Refill her medications


  • She's very busy with school and friends
  • She forgets to schedule doctor's appointments


  • Her running times are getting slower
  • Her asthma seems to be acting up
Persona Jeremy Owens

Jeremy Owens: 18 year old college student studying medicine, had a bad peanut allergy as a kid


  • He wants to be a doctor
  • He wants to help kids who have severe allergies like he did
  • He needs to make sure he's healthy as well
  • He needs to focus on his studies


  • He doesn't have time to be sick
  • He doesn't want to have to go to the emergency room


  • Jeremy had a severe peanut allergy as a kid and understands how it feels to be sick
  • He loves kids and wants to help them
Persona Elain Nelson

Elaine Nelson: 47 year old graphic designer from Omaha


  • She wants to remember doctor's appointments
  • She wants to easily keep track of medications for her family


  • She's very busy taking care of her family
  • Her children are in a lot of activities
  • Her mother has frequent visits to the doctors


  • She wants to make sure her elderly mother stays healthy as long as possible
  • She wants to manage her own health
  • She loves her family

Competitive Analysis

I analyzed three competitors – Capzule, Andaman7 and the iOS Health app. These three apps have similarities like name, age, medications, allergies and emergency contacts. Yet, none of them left me with a positive user experience. I found each of them frustrating to navigate.


iOS Health App: Postive Features

  • Very simple design and easy to navigate
  • Allows access to a user's critical information such as medications and allergies by emergency personnel

iOS Health App: Negative Features

  • It's not promoted well
  • It's well hidden and unemphasized

Capzule: Postive Features

  • Accommodates multiple users so a family can have all its records in one place
  • Allows syncing with devices
  • Has a summary that can be forwarded or printed

Capzule: Negative Features

  • UI design was confusing and launched in a bright pepto bismol pink
  • Pop up ads were annoying
  • Unclear what the icons represented
  • The form to enter a medication lacked adequate spacing so you didn't know where you were clicking

Andaman7: Postive Features

  • Allows a patient access to clinical trials
  • Provides researchers access to participating patients
  • Can incorporate more than one user
  • Is free for individuals
  • Homepage is easy to understand

Andaman7: Negative Features

  • Navigation is difficult
  • Difficult to enter data and there is no clear CTA that tells you what you've entered will be saved
  • Overall ease of use is challenging

The user flow process for Andaman7 and Capzule were significantly more lengthy and confusing than Apple’s Medical ID. Onboarding, categorizing and saving were all lengthy for Andaman7 and Capzule. Apple’s editing feature was jumpy, the app kept moving to the top of the page when adding data. It also is significantly smaller than the other two apps and has much less capacity to hold data. There is definitely room for an improved health record storage app in the marketplace in addition to patient portals which are normally only edited by doctors and healthcare professionals. This kind of app would allow a patient to store all of their medical information in one place.

As a [user role] I want [goal] so that [benefit].

User Stories

Based on my survey responses, I included the following user stories that have the most priority:

  1. As a user, I want to track my medications so I don't forget any and can tell different doctors what I'm taking.
  2. As a user, I want to upload medical information from MyChart or similar patient portals so I always have the latest information from my doctor and/or hospital.
  3. As a user, I want to organize my medical information into pre-determined categories so I can find information quickly and easily.
  4. As a user, I want to share my information with my doctor or family member so he/she has my most current medical information without me writing it down.
  5. As a user, I want to create notes to help me remember important information.

Information Architecture

User Flows

After having a difficult time navigating through Capzule, Andaman7 and the iOS Health app, I knew this app needed a clear hierarchy with intuitive, easy navigation.


Sketches, Wire Frames + User Testing

With user flows in place, I moved on to putting my ideas into sketches. This allowed me to try different ideas before deciding on one.


I learned a lot from user testing my wireframes. I asked users to:

Users didn’t see the words Medications + Allergies under the Medical ID title. Some of them went to Patient Portal. So I changed that language. I learned the app needed a stronger identity and promoted more in the marketing landing page. I needed to determine the best way to add and edit content. One user couldn’t tell the categories were clickable so I addressed that in my visual designs and preference tested it.


Visual Design


I struggled with the name and logo a little. At first, everything I tried seemed trite. I couldn’t decide if this app was going to be called Healthplus or Healthlog. I felt Healthlog was a more accurate description of the app but I didn’t feel any of my logos were strong representations for it. Then I recalled a logo I’d worked on for a previous project that was never used. I really liked this logo and felt with a couple tweaks, it would be a fantastic solution.

I played with different fonts. Ultimately, I felt raleway was the best solution. It evoked a positive, simple feeling which is what I wanted my app to be. Medical problems aren’t positive. This app needed to counter that in any way that it could.

Mind Map Logo Sketches Logo Ideas 1 Logo Ideas 2

Pulling from a previous healthcare project, I had purple and teal in mind as colors. They needed to be bright and positive without appearing inappropriate. While researching images for my moodboard, I discovered a layout that I could incorporate into my app. It gave me the idea to assign different colors to different users. So, I chose two more colors that would complement the purple and teal. I suggested the palette below but then gave users the option to choose their own color choice for their profile.


In order to help the logo stand out, I chose a different font from Raleway for the app, landing page and any other collateral. I chose Roboto because it paired well with Raleway and had many different styles which would help contribute to the hierarchy of the app.


High Fidelity Design + User Testing

Armed with colors, fonts and layout ideas, I moved onto mockups. I carried each user’s color choice through their part of the app. It was at this stage I decided to add two more colors for any links and the medications + allergies section which could be enabled to be seen by emergency personnel. I added profile pictures and determined when to use icons and when to use text for links and editing. As the corners of shapes were rounded, I went with rounded buttons to be consistent. I felt the rounded curves throughout the design created a softness that would contribute to the positive feeling I wanted to evoke.

High Fidelity Visual Design High Fidelity Visual Design High Fidelity Visual Design

In response to my wireframe tester’s comment that the categories did not look clickable, I designed 2 user dashboard layouts. I ran a preference test to determine which layout was preferred. I preferred version A but users liked the quick read of version B.

Preference Test


To complete the app, I added account and profile screens, a marketing landing page and the app icon. I did a preference test for the icon to decide between just the list portion of the logo or just the name. The name was preferred. Everything was ready to be tested.

Marketing Page

Final User Testing

The Last Test

I ran three final tests asking users to:

Everything went as intended. One user wasn’t sure if the share action would send the record to the doctor. Another one suggested I take a closer look at color contrast. Since the other testers were quick to go to the share button to send the record, I didn’t make any changes. I did, however, update colors to pass AA accessibility for not just larger sized text but normal sized text as well.


The most important thing I learned is the importance of testing. I’ve been a designer for a long time and I had some strong feelings. But that’s not what this process is about. It isn’t about which design I prefer, it’s which one the user prefers and why they prefer it. I can make assumptions all day but unless those assumptions are tested and proven, they’re not valid. I was so sure my first dashboard design was it. Visually, I felt great about it. But the testers preferred a more concise view. It wasn’t all for not, however. I was able to use that layout elsewhere in the app.

If I’d had more time, I would have liked to work more on the animation. I did some research but couldn’t quite find a quick way to accomplish it. It would require more time than I could give unfortunately. I did, however, communicate to the developer the interactions I would like to see.

In future projects, I’m definitely going to take advantage of the preference test. It’s super fast, you don’t need a script, it’s free and you can do it on your phone! It’s just too simple not to do it – and it can bring important changes to your project.